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Karlstads universitetsbibliotek - ämnesguider

Business Administration

Search tips

Database search tips:

  1. Use concrete and neutral words.
  2. Never type more than one or two words in a search box. Go to the Advanced Search page to separate keywords into multiple boxes.
  3. If you are not finding what you need, try to change or add keywords.
  4. Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and truncation (*) to expand and narrow results. 
  5. Use filters/limiters on the left-hand or right-hand side of the screen to refine results.
  6. Choose a field from the drop-down menu next to the search box to narrow results. 
  7. Ask for help!

Effective database searching - A guide to using databases, and effective search techniques (University of Reading)

Writing and referencing

When writing your thesis there are several practical things you need to master: for instance the ability to reference sources according to the system used in your subject area, and the ability to manage Word programs to make a proper table of contents, etc.

Read more about:

Academic Writing

  • Writing an Academic Essay
    Here you will find film lectures that explains the fundamentals of writing an English academic essay.
    Produced by Luke Bailey, lecturer in English, Karlstad University
  • Master you Academic Writing
    Here you will find links to resources which will help you master your academic writing.
    Produced by Luke Bailey, lecturer in English, Karlstad University


In order to avoid plagiarism it is important that you always include all the sources you use, by quoting and referencing correctly.

Avoiding Plagiarism (Film 16:09)
A film that will help you understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.
Luke Bailey, lecturer in English, Karlstad University

What is academic and what is not?

The essential characteristic of academic articles is scholarly review. In this case the article is subject to the process of “peer-review” where fellow experts in the field evaluate and asses the research conducted before an article can be approved for publication.

What is an academic or scholarly article?

English language support

  • English Language Support
    The English language support is open to all students at Karlstad University. Tutors helps you improve your English language skills and make you more confident about using English for academic purposes.