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Karlstads universitetsbibliotek - ämnesguider

Business Administration


Library One Search is our discovery tool that enables you to find information on any topic from the library's existing collections.


Search in the Library Catalogue

  • Karlstad University Library    
    Here you search for books found at the KaU Library, including the electronic collection. Tip!  If you want to simultaneously search for books, articles, or other open access/ public resources use the OneSearch discovery tool!

Libris - national catalogue

LIBRIS is the joint catalogue of the Swedish academic and research libraries and is updated on a daily basis.

Search in Libris

Search e-books at KaU Library

  • E-books           
    Karlstad University Library has access to approximately 260 000 e-books (2017) via various e-book portals. E-books can be read online and often they also can be downloaded to computer or tablet. Different e-book vendors may have different terms of use.

Research publications, dissertations, and theses

In Diva you find  research publications and theses from Karlstad University.


SwePub makes it possible to search among articles, conference papers, dissertations etc. published at Swedish universities and authorities.

Search in SwePub