When you are searching for books, for example on your course list, the best way is to use the library catalogue. On the library webpage you will by default be searching in the tab "Onesearch - search everything", instead choose the tab "Library catalogue" and perform your search. You can also use this link:
Karlstad University Library buys and subscribes to electronic books and reference books through various e-book collections. You can find the e-books by searching in OneSearch or our library catalogue or through searching direct in the e-book portals. If you are using OneSearch it is possible to limit your search to only e-books by using the "Source type" limiter in the left column.
Students and staff have access to e-books outside the university by using the KauID account.
If you don´t find what you are looking for in our catalogue, try searching in the national catalogue Libris.
If you find books in Libris that are not located at the KAU Library we can order them for you via the Interlibrary loan system.
After marking our library as favorite in Libris you can order a book directly from Libris.
In Diva you find research publications and theses from Karlstad University.
Research methods and methodology - guides for students and researchers through Emerald
KARLSTADS UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEK Universitetsgatan 2, 651 87 Karlstad |
Telefon: 054-700 10 92 Öppettider |
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Karlstads universitetsbibliotek