Here you can find help locating literature, tips on information retrieval and essay writing. For more information about general resources available go to the Library’s home page,
If you would like tips on essay writing go directly to the tab/page “Search, write, and reference”.
The library’s collections have various classification/organizational systems. For example older material is typically organized by subject headings AND the newer material (after 2011) is organized chronologically. Thus it is important to begin your search using the Library Catalogue to see where the material is located in the library.
Search the Library Catalogue and the Library databases together.
OneSearch is a great starting place to familiarize yourself with the library’s articles, books, theses, and journals.
Pressreader will give you access to international newspapers and magazines in more than 60 different languages. The newspapers are digital copies of the printed versions and are published at the same time as the printed ones. You have access to the last 90 days.
In order for Pressreader to work, you must be connected to the Kau wireless network (eduroam), but by creating an account you can also download up to five magazine numbers.
PressReader via mobile
When using PressReader via app on your mobile or tablet you have access to PressReader for 72 hours after leaving the university.
Contact the library
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054 - 700 10 92 |
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KARLSTADS UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEK Universitetsgatan 2, 651 87 Karlstad |
Telefon: 054-700 10 92 Öppettider |
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Karlstads universitetsbibliotek